January Theme: Just Thanks, that’s all.

This month I will be away 1/2 and 1/9. For my Moon subscribers I have a backbends class 1/4 and a 30 day challenge you have access to while I am out of town. I look forward to seeing you in the new year 1/16. For now, here is my latest blog post with holiday love to each of you:

We're all just walking each other home.  - Ram Dass

It's been a day spent in hibernation mode. Reading my novel in the tub and in the bed, family brunch, more tea and reading with the whole family cuddled up in separate book-worlds on the couch. And in between this cozy hygge-mode I ran out to pick up some thai food for dinner. Neighbors are bundled up and decorating with christmas lights. Little kids are dancing and running about. And I am reminded outside my cozy abode of the kindness and connection we all share outside our personal story and immediate bubble. These past two years have reminded me of what is most important. It has shifted my teaching style and voice. It has shifted my priorities. And though we are not together in physical space, I do feel our togetherness. I do feel moved by you all and moved by my deep gratitude towards you all.

What a time these past two years have been. And this cheer, these lights, this brightening, and illuminating as I drive to the Thai place through the neighborhood streets reminds me of how grateful I am for the connection I have been able to keep with you all via the online teaching platform. Like the strands of lights stretched across Regester Avenue from one house to the other (it's such a sweet tunnel of light - if you are in Baltimore come take a drive through the Forge!) - though we are apart our connection lights us up! Now for almost two years! Wow! I am so deeply honored to hold space for your presence and your practice. I am so grateful to have a student body to teach, to share, who ask questions, who stay open, stay curious, who show up together. You keeping the date of our weekly practices is such a great gift. Your presence is my present. Thank you. This consistency and belonging is a blessing I cherish.

These past two years of building my own online business and meeting new kindred hearted students from around the world whose heartfelt messages and inquiries have sparked growth in both directions - mine and theirs - has been so far from what I ever could have imagined when our studios shuttered in 2020. As my dear student and friend and colleague I met in the age of Zoom yoga, Lula, recently encouraged - "you just need to keep letting it flow through you" - and those bright words of love and courage flowed through my heart and mind, too, as I drive by the twinkling lights wound around trees and window frames. Connecting one thing to another. Brightening dark spaces. Inspiring joyful embodiment in the form of cartwheels and games of tag from the neighborhood kiddos. Keep letting it flow. Let us both do this. Let us all do this together. Keep letting it flow. I know things feel very uncertain and sometimes we respond innately to this fear and uncertainty by growing rigid, tense, terse, contracting. But what if there was another way - to flow, to open our hearts as we close our doors, to stay connected though apart - to let it flow.

More than ever in my career, I have felt my teaching and my practice and my purpose and my means of reaching students evolve and grow so much over these past two years. In many ways the challenge of it all has felt like the eye of the needle and in finding a way to pass through the eye I have opened horizons, opened my mind, met new students, re-met old private clients from my time in California and in Germany, and discovered new and more effective ways of teaching, sharing and making this a sustainable path for all.

And so yes, no matter what happens, I will continue to hold an online presence. This is a foundation of my offerings now, and a way to connect outside of the confines of physical space to share space and to share practice. I look forward to continuing to share these practices with you all and I will still be here for you all wherever you are joining from. This is not going away. It may evolve and open and add, as the world evolves and opens, but I will be here and am grateful to share this practice with each of you. You all have touched my spirit in bright and fulfilling ways. Thank you. Happy Holidays. Happy hibernating. Happy feasting and dancing and mourning and celebrating. Light a candle, fill a cup for those no longer with us. Rest well and stay curious, Dear Ones.

In the sweet/sad song of Judy Garland:

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest place
So have yourself a merry little Christmas"

HUGS, Blessings, Prayers for health and wholeness. May your New Year be Grounding and Revitalizing.


February Theme: Expect the Unexpected


December Theme: Bandha and Breath / Concentrate and Radiate