December Theme: Bandha and Breath / Concentrate and Radiate

This month we will begin with core focused work to concentrate and stoke the inner fire. From there we move into lush flow to generate warmth, unfurl, become fluid, and take up space. Peak poses will focus on the principles of rooting and rising, concentrating and radiating, pairing opposing actions to become an active participant in the posture rather than making shapes. We will finish each practice with a long savanna and time devoted to pranayama.

Dec 5 The Hanumanasana class

Dec 12 The Handstand class

Dec 19 The Wall Flow class

Dec 26 The anantasana, vasistasana, utita hasta padangustasana class

You can join these classes:
*as a
drop in($10-20 sliding scale) for any single practice
subscribe for the month with the coupon code hOMe for less than $25 (half off your first month) and receive all four of the livestream practices (recorded and sent to you if you miss one!) individualized goal setting intake and coaching in the Zoom Room, and access to a Moon Subscriber On-Demand Vault of over 150 practices


January Theme: Just Thanks, that’s all.


November Theme: Pelvic Power Stability and Mobility