November Theme: Pelvic Power Stability and Mobility

This month we drop down down down into the basin of the pelvis. Like a salve for the nervous system, we get grounded. Like taking your car to the mechanic to get your tires rotated and aligned - we align our hip joints. By moving from the hips, we reconnect to sensuality, fluidity, creativity. We undo the slump-asana that comes with the territory of a desk job and awaken the lower chakras and learn how to build a well aligned foundation to free up dormant energy to rise through the spinal column. We get gloriously unstuck. Like starting a fire, we will activate these large and powerful stabilizing muscles that attach to the pelvic bones as an efficient way of warming ourselves up as the temperatures dip outside. Think supple strong, jaguar haunches. And… Wax on. Wax off. … Just as we rev up to a nice sweaty glow we will bring the boiling pot down to a slow steady simmer as we unwind with time for seated postures and our monthly pranayama for November, the diaphragmatic breath. We will finish each class in diaphragmatic breathing - learning to free the thoracic diaphragm, soften the abdominal muscles, and relax the pelvic floor to take slow wide belly breaths and drop out of the anxious “monkey mind”.

Here’s what is on the menu each week, prone to change based on requests, or what we see in the Zoom Room as we gather in our unique forms and various backgrounds, prone to ebb and flow in an organic yet semi-structured way;

November 7 - strong glutes flow and hip opening in all directions

November 14 - your inner lava lamp: get to know your mula bandha, concentrate and radiate the anantasana class

November 21 - flying pigeon and grasshopper pose

November 28 - planting lotus seeds

You can join these classes:
*as a
drop in($10-20 sliding scale) for any single practice
subscribe for the month with the coupon code hOMe for less than $25 (half off your first month) and receive all four of the livestream practices (recorded and sent to you if you miss one!) individualized goal setting intake and coaching in the Zoom Room, and access to a Moon Subscriber On-Demand Vault of over 150 practices


December Theme: Bandha and Breath / Concentrate and Radiate


October Theme: Slow Flow for Energy Regulation. Deepening into Autumn