October Theme: Slow Flow for Energy Regulation. Deepening into Autumn

Yoga shows up in our capacity to listen: To show up wholeheartedly and humbly to this body this heart this moment as it arrives in this very breath.  To witness what is arising and what is falling away.  To not turn away. To connect. To yoke. To show up for yourself and your life. To show up for the world around and your loved ones.

The greatest threat to our yoga practice is to go on autopilot and lose our spirit of deep inner listening and self inquiry.
Deepen your presence.  Slow down, take stock.  This time of year as the leaves turn golden and begin to softly fall from above, as energy in the plant world moves down to the roots, we will slow down, cultivate deepening in presence and stability and clarity.

You do not have to tear your self down and beat yourself up to make progress.

My Fall classes are strong practices to preserve, to conserve, to not-burn-out.  Practices for longevity.

Less forcing.  More feeling.  Feel your true power in your strength to open.  A power that is rooted in stability and open to breath, softness, fullness. Drop into the depths and potency of your stillness with long held strong poses and long held savasana relaxation poses.  Feel your inner blank canvas the potency and potentiality of what moves you before you move.  Feel your emotional landscape, your creative world, the pulsation that moves through you and wants to move you on the mat and in the pulse of your life.

Heighten your inner senses, slow down, and take stock.  October's classes feature less postures, more potency.  Less fidgeting, more dropping in beneath the layers.  Sacred stillness.  Strength and surrender.  Deep steady breath forms the metronome of the month.  Let’s see what unfurls from this potent inner space.

October 3  Slow, Deep, Wide:  Side Body Spacious and Learn to drop back to Urdhva Danurasana (or let go, or exhale, or trust yourself, or maybe just a mini-baby drop back from Ustrasana to Urdhva Danurasana, we'll see)

October 10: Flow to let go.  Strong Slow Flow into 20 minutes of Potent Restorative Practice.  Bring an eye pillow or Blindfold.

October 17 How to breathe deeply when you are in a bind. (The one with all the pretzel binds - bring a strap)

October 24 Cleansing Twists, Cross Lateral Flow for Creativity, and Deep Belly Release and Massage to unwind physical and psycho-emotional tensions that are stored deep in the guts

October 31  Devotion to our ancestors, our departed, build an altar in your heart.  Perhaps you would like to bring a portrait of an ancestor you want to devote your pactice to to the Zoom Room. Free your diaphragm, breathe down to the region between navel and pelvic floor.  Long inversions, and Forward Folds, dive into your tortoise pose.  Retreat into your inner abode. Long yoga nidra to finish.  (happy Halloween!)

You can join these classes:
*as a
drop in($10-20 sliding scale) for any single practice
subscribe for the month with the coupon code hOMe for less than $25 (half off your first month) and receive all four of the livestream practices (recorded and sent to you if you miss one!) individualized goal setting intake and coaching in the Zoom Room, and access to a Moon Subscriber On-Demand Vault of over 150 practices


November Theme: Pelvic Power Stability and Mobility


September Theme: Grounding for Times of Uncertainty