Open your heart and find REFUGE in the Maternal archetype

Sunday, May 8

12-1:30 EST

Online via zoom.  FREE to Moon Subscribers.  

ALL DROP IN SLIDING SCALE DONATIONS May 8 will be donated to Planned Parenthood because Motherhood is and should always be a sacred and personal CHOICE.

Drop in the comments your mother’s name and what body part you got from your mom.

This Mother’s Day, let’s let go of competition, aggression, and the illusion of separation and connect into the spirt of the maternal:  the instinct, when things are intense, to tend and befriend, not to fight/flight/freeze, but instead to offer LOVE as the way.  

Whether you have a womb or not, you can always look up a the MOON and be reminded of the cycles and seasons and pulls on the planetary tides/breaths/waters that were never ours to control. 

Whether you have your/are a mother or not, you can take refuge in your maternal-heart-space in the long lineage of mothers (blood or chosen) that go back in a long line over your left shoulder and have given of themselves to your line through pure loving presence to form a protective lineage of love.

Practice will begin with Chandra Namaskara - opening the heart and calming the brain with the breath-based, fluid repetition of Moon Salutations. We will move through some of the Moon Poses and Goddess Poses and Active Standing Poses, Offer space and time to rest low and long into earthy poses where we feel our shared connection to the planet Earth mother we all will one day return to, and finish with the MOTHER of all poses, Shoulderstand, Salamba Sarvangasana.


HomeBody and Home Practice
